Monday 25 May 2015

Day 145 - May 25th

Being a Bank Holiday today we seized the opportunity to take Millie for a long walk over the fields this morning. 

Some of the hedges and grass on either side of the footpaths are getting quite high now and due for a cut.

As we walked past the field of sheep, one or two came up to the gate to curiously see what we were doing but the majority kept their distance and just started to baa loudly. We beat a hasty retreat!

Each week we are noticing more flowers in the hedgerows and beside the footpath.

There are a few wild roses ..........

.... and Clover. 

With the help of the Internet we were also able to identify the teeny, tiny flowers of the  Lesser Trefoil....

.... Ribwort Plantain ....

.... White Campion ....

.... and Ground Ivy.

We also spotted a few critters like this one that posed for me on some blossom.

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