Sunday 1 November 2009

Day 298 - October 25th

Today we went to Pensthorpe Nature Reserve & Gardens. The BBC Springwatch programme this year was presented from Pensthorpe. It's a beautiful place with nature trails, lakes and gardens.

There were lots of birds, on and off the water to feed.

There was a Wildlife Tracker Trail for children with 8 stamping stations around the reserve to stamp the trail sheet.

In the woodland area there were lots of toadstools and mushrooms. I've never seen the red Fly Agaric toadstools where we live so my camera and I were in our element. This next photo is my photo of the day.

There were lots of water fowl.


Coffeedoff said...

Wow love the birds and the fungi. Great photos

Deb said...

I was so jealous that you were going to Norolk and now I am so jealous that you have got a photo of those fab red & white toadstools - I have been looking for these for ages. I am turning green with envy!! Seriously - what great photos and it looks like another lovely family day out.